Sunday, March 15, 2009

The idea and background of the exhibition "EHE RAHVUSLIK"

Ehtekollektsiooni "EHE RAHVUSLIK" idee ja taust

Ehtekollektsioonis on 30 ehet, mis on valmistatud polümeersavist. Inspiratsiooni ehete valmistamisel on saadud Eesti rahvuskultuurist.

Ehete valmistamisel on olnud eesmärgiks ühendada vana ja uus ehk Eesti rahvuskultuurist tuntud põnevad mustrid ja uudne materjal polümeersavi. Mustrid, kirjad, ornamendid ja detailid ehete jaoks on kogutud Eesti pärimuskultuurist. Ehetel on triibuseeliku triipe, Muhu kaheksakanda, Kihnu kindakirja, Mulgi arhailise tikandi detaile, setu värvilise pitsi jäljendamist, jne.

Näitusekollektsioon on valminud jaanuaris 2009.a. ning ehete esmaesitlus toimus Eesti Rahva Muuseumi (ERM) näitusemajas Tartus 2.-24. Veebruarini 2009.a.

Kaelakeed, kõrvarõngad ja käeketid on valmistatud nii pidulike kui argipäevaste ehetena. Polümeersavist valmistatud ehted on vastupidavad ning ehete kokkupanemisel on kasutatud mitmekülgseid tehnikaid. Ehtenäitus pakub rahvuslike mustrite taasavastamise rõõmu, tekitab huvi polümeersavi kui uuendusliku materjali vastu ning julgustab kandma tänapäevaseid ehteid. Uuenduslikud suunad nii materjali (polümeersavi) kui ka vormi osas on inspireerivad nii noortele, kui ka käsitööhuvilistele

Ehete kavandamisel ning rahvuskultuuri põnevate mustrite leidmisel on konsutandina osalenud Eesti Rahva Muuseumist Virve Tuubel. Ehtekunstnik Katrin Altmeri on kokku pannud 5 ehet.

Text in English!

The idea and background of the exhibition "EHE RAHVUSLIK"

I was inspired to create such collection by Estonian national culture. I feel challenged by the diversity of Estonian folk art. It is amazing how many elements, patterns, stories, colours and combinations of those were used already by our great-great-grandmothers and fathers a couple of centuries ago. They have backstitched their stories and lives into their clothes. Today this heritage is a superior source of inspiration.

The exhibition encourages the visitor to rediscover Estonian national patterns, draws attention towards innovative material polymer clay and promotes wearing fashionable jewellery which embraces the heritage of Estonian national culture.

The aim of my jewellery collection is to combine the old with the new – shape Estonian national patterns into polymer clay as a novel material. Patterns, letters, ornaments and details have been collected from the Estonian folk culture. It is possible to recognize various elements: stripes from national skirts, Muhu kaheksakand (ornament of one Estonian county), pattern of Kihnu (a small island) gloves, archaic embroidery details of a region Mulgi, colored imitation lace of Setu (a region in South-east of Estonia), and so on.

The jewellery - bracelets, necklaces, earrings, brooches - was created for festive or daily wearing. The jewellery is made of durable material and firm jewellery components. Altogether 15 different polymer clay techniques have been used. The design and composition of five sets of jewellery of the exhibition was worked out together with jewellery artist Katrin Altmeri.

The collection was finished in January 2009 and the premiere of collection took place in the Estonian National Museum (ERM) in Tartu on 2nd of February. The exhibition stayed open until 24th of February 2009.

I would like to thank the Estonian National Museum for great support, especially Virve Tuubel who is working as an expert of national patterns and helped me to find most interesting motives.

The designs and development 5 sets of the jewelry has been co worked with Katrin Altmeri.

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